
USのヘルスITの取り組み(7) リスクベースの規制フレームワーク


4. リスクベースの規制の枠組みのための提案された戦略と推薦のレポート範囲と焦点

Health IT incorporates a wide range of products, technologies, and services designed for use by health care entities, health care providers, and consumers, to electronically maintain, access, and exchange health information.


Throughout the report, the Agencies’ proposed strategy and recommendations are based on the premise that risk and corresponding controls should focus on health IT functionality - not on the platform(s) (e.g. mobile, cloud-based, installed) on which such functionality resides or the product name/description of which it is a part. Further, the Agencies’ strategy and recommendations seek to advance a framework that is relevant to current functionalities and technologies yet sufficiently flexible to accommodate the future and rapid evolution of health IT.



The Agencies’ proposed strategy and recommendations identify three categories of health IT functionality:

1) administrative health IT functions, 2) health management health IT functions, and 3) medicaldevice health IT functions (See FIGURE 2). This paradigm creates health IT functional categories with important distinctions in both risk and proposed corresponding risk controls, although each of the three proposed categories can be designed for use by health care entities, health care providers, patients, and consumers. It is also important to note that the systems that healthcare organizations and consumers are purchasing, implementing and using, often contain functionalities that bridge all three of these categories. For example, electronic health records (EHRs) may have functionality that spans one or more of these categories. Similarly, some functionalities, such as privacy and security, cannot be placed in a single category.

1) 行政上のヘルスIT機能、2)健康管理ヘルスIT機能、および3) 医療機器ヘルスIT機能 (図2参照)。 このパラダイムはリスクと対応するリスク・コントロールの両方における重要な特徴でヘルスITの機能的なカテゴリを作成する。提案された3つのカテゴリ、健康管理を実施する実体、健康管理プロバイダー、患者、および消費者によって設計される場合がある。また、ヘルスケア組織と消費者が購入して実行し使用しているシステムが、しばしばこれらのすべての3つのカテゴリに跨がる機能性を含むことに注意するのも重要である。 例えば、電子健診記録(EHRs)には、これらのカテゴリの1つ以上にかかる機能性があるかもしれない。同様に、プライバシーやセキュリティなどのいくつかの機能性はただ一つのカテゴリに置くことができない。

Ultimately, the Agencies recognize that any categorization scheme will be imperfect and may need to adapt over time.


Nevertheless, we believe that this proposed functional categorization can both assist the Agencies in avoiding regulatory duplication and prompt meaningful policy discussions with stakeholders to identify and clarify unresolved areas of ambiguity (e.g. instances where categorization into “administrative” vs. “health management” or “health management” vs. “medical device” health IT functionality is unclear).


4.1 Administrative Health IT Functionality
4.1 業務管理上のヘルスITの機能性

Administrative functionalities, including but not limited to software intended to facilitate admissions, billing and claims processing, practice and inventory management, scheduling, general purpose communications, analysis of historical claims data to predict future utilization or cost-effectiveness, determination of health benefit eligibility, population health management, reporting of communicable diseases to public health agencies and reporting on quality measures pose limited or no risk to patient safety.


As such, the Agencies recommend that no additional oversight of these types of products is necessary to protect patient safety and promote innovation.


4.2 Health Management Health IT Functionality
4.2 健康管理ヘルスITの機能性

Health management health IT functionalities (sometimes referred to as “clinical software”) include, but are not limited to:
  • Health information and data management;
  • Data capture and encounter documentation;
  • Electronic access to clinical results;
  • Most clinical decision support;
  • Medication management (electronic medication administration records);
  • Electronic communication and coordination (e.g. provider to patient, patient to provider, provider to provider, etc.);
  • Provider order entry;
  • Knowledge (clinical evidence) management;
  • Patient identification and matching.
  • 健康情報とデータ管理。
  • データの受け取りと文書作成支援
  • 臨床結果への電子アクセス。
  • 臨床の意志決定支援。
  • 薬物療法管理(電子薬物療法管理記録)。
  • 電子連絡調整(例えば、プロバイダーから患者へ、患者からプロバイダーへ、プロバイダーからプロバイダーなど)。
  • プロバイダー受注。
  • 知識(臨床上の証拠)管理。
  • 患者の識別とマッチング。
The Agencies believe the potential safety risks posed by health management health IT functionality are generally low compared to the potential benefits and must be addressed by looking at the entire health IT ecosystem rather than single, targeted solutions.


(訳注:ヘルスIT単独ではリスクが低く見えても、ヘルスIT全体で起こる問題があるため、ヘルスIT全体= the entire health IT ecosystem を見ることによって取り組まなければいけないという意味)

If such health management health IT functionality meets the statutory definition of a medical device, FDA does not intend to focus its regulatory oversight on such functionality because the Agencies’ proposed strategy and recommendations for a risk-based framework for health management health IT, outlined in Section 5, can help to assure a favorable benefit-risk profile of these functionalities.



Section 5 articulates specific proposed priority areas and potential next steps that could help more fully realize the benefits of health IT.


4.3 Medical Device Health IT Functionality
4.3 医療機器ヘルスITの機能性

Health IT with medical device functionality is currently the focus of FDA’s oversight.

Examples include computer aided detection/diagnostic software, radiation treatment planning, and robotic surgical planning and control software.


ONC and FCC may have complementary activities in certain areas (e.g. interoperable data exchange between a medical device and EHR, use of wireless spectrum for wireless medical devices, etc.).


The strategy and recommendations for a risk-based health IT framework do not propose the need for new FDA authorities or additional areas of oversight.


The FDASIA Health IT Working Group did recommend that the FDA provide greater clarity related to several aspects of medical device regulation involving health IT, including:

FDASIA Health ITワークグループは、FDAが次を含むヘルスITに関連する医療機器規制のいくつかの視点に関係したよりはっきりした明確性を提供することを推奨した。

1) The distinction between wellness and disease- related claims;
2) Medical device accessories;
3) Medical device clinical decision support software;
4) Medical device software modules;
and 5) Mobile medical apps.

1) 主張に関連したウェルネスと疾病との差異
2) 医療機器のアクセサリー
3) 医療機器臨床決定支援ソフトウェア
4) 医療機器ソフトウェアモジュール
5) モバイルメディカルアプリケーション

These items are discussed in more detail in Section 6.

FIGURE 2 Categories of Health IT Functionality
図2 ヘルスITの規制性の分類

Health IT functionality can be broadly grouped into three categories:

1) administrative health IT functionality, 2) health management health IT functionality, and 3) medical device health IT functionality.

1) 業務管理上ヘルスITの機能性、2)健康管理ヘルスITの機能性、および3) 医療機器ヘルスITの機能性。

Each of the three proposed categories can be designed for use by health care entities, health care providers, patients, and consumers.


Administrative functionalities, including but not limited to admissions, billing and claims processing, practice and inventory management, scheduling, general purpose communications, analysis of historical claims data to predict future utilization or cost-effectiveness, determination of health benefit eligibility, population health management, reporting of communicable diseases to public health agencies and reporting on quality measures pose limited or no risk to patient safety.


The Agencies believe no additional oversight of these types of products is necessary.


Health management functionalities include but are not limited to health information and data exchange, data capture and encounter documentation, electronic access to clinical results, some clinical decision support, medication management, electronic communication and coordination, provider order entry, knowledge management, and patient identification and matching.


Health management health IT functionalities are the primary focus of the framework described in this report.


If a product with health management health IT functionality meets the statutory definition of a medical device, FDA does not intend to focus its oversight on it - - because the Agencies’ proposed strategy and recommendations for a risk-based framework for health management health IT can help to assure a favorable benefit-risk profile of these functionalities.



FDA would focus its oversight on medical device functionality because, in general, these functions, such as computer aided detection software and remote display or notification of real-time alarms from bedside monitors, present greater risks to patient safety than health IT with administrative or health management functionality.



ヘルスITの機能性を、1) 業務管理上の機能、2) 健康管理の機能、3) 医療機器の機能の3つに分類している。1がリスクが低く、3に向かうに従ってリスクが高くなる。Administrative health IT functionality は医療を遂行するために必要な業務に関連するITソフトで見るからにリスクも低そうで規制する必要もないように見える。難しいのは2の健康管理の機能と医療機器の機能の区別であろう。FDASIAレポートでは機能性が分類すると言っているが、機能が同じでも製造業者の意図によってリスクが変わることがある。例えば、心電図を表示するという機能があったとして、それが保管された過去のデータの閲覧を目的としているのか、それとも診断や処置の判断に使うのかによってはリスクが変わってくる。

ただ、製品単独の場合は、製造業者の意図によってリスクを分類できていたが、ヘルスITになってソフトウェア同士が連携して、新たな機能を生み出せるようになったことで、個々の製造業者の意図とは別のところで、ヘルスITがヘルスITの生態系(Health IT ecosystem)として新しい機能を持つようになったのかもしれない。

