An understanding of the health IT product lifecycle is critical to the development of a narrowly- tailored, predictable regulatory framework that fosters the development of novel technologies, permits timely deployment of iterative product improvements, and routinely identifies underperforming products in a timely fashion.
Furthermore, it is important to recognize that health IT products and technologies are not used in isolation.
Rather, they are part of a larger sociotechnical system that includes people (e.g. patients and healthcare providers), healthcare organizations, health IT developers and vendors, processes (actions and procedures performed during the delivery of health care), and the environment of use.
3.1 Health IT Product Lifecycle
3.1 ヘルスIT製品ライフサイクル
Stages of the health IT lifecycle include:
1) design and development, 2) implementation and customization, and 3) post-deployment (including upgrades, maintenance, and operations, as well as surveillance, reporting, risk mitigation and remediation) (See FIGURE 1). The safety of health IT relies not only on how it is designed and developed, but also on how it is customized, implemented, integrated and used.
1)設計と開発、2)実現、改造、および3) 配置後(アップグレード、維持、操作、監視、報告、リスク緩和、および改善を含んでいる)(図1参照)
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図1 |
The health IT product lifecycle is depicted. Each stage is characterized by its own distinct considerations for assuring the safe design, development, implementation, customization, integration, and post-deployment use by health care professionals and consumers.
3.2 Sociotechnical system
3.2 社会技術システムHealth IT fits within a complex sociotechnical system.
Its successful design, development, implementation, customization and post-deployment use often relies on the integration of many technologies, products, and components by numerous stakeholders.
Health IT is designed and developed with varying degrees of quality and rigor by many different developers.
It is implemented and customized by organizations with heterogeneous experience and expertise, which poses challenges to the seamless integration of health IT into clinical work flows, and for monitoring, identifying, mitigating, and resolving post-deployment issues in a timely manner.
Importantly, safety is a property of the larger system that takes into account how the product is designed, developed, implemented, maintained, and used.
In considering how a sociotechnical system affects the development of a risk-based regulatory framework for health IT, the Agencies recognize that the success and the safety of the system as a whole cannot be defined only by the “safety” of individual health IT products themselves.
The components of a health IT sociotechnical system include:
the technology (e.g. the hardware and software of health IT), the people (e.g. individuals working within the system including healthcare providers and implementers of health IT), the processes (e.g. the workflow of healthcare delivery), the organizations (e.g. how an organization installs and configures health IT) and the external environment (e.g. the environment in which the organizations operate).
The IOM found that several key observations and challenges influence the establishment of a successful health IT system, including:
- Poorly designed health IT can create new hazards in an already complex system of health care delivery;
- Individual health IT components may meet their stated performance requirements, yet the system as a whole may yield unsafe outcomes;
- Problematic events involving complex systems often cannot be ascribed to a single causative factor;
- Poor human-computer interactions can contribute to serious injury and death;
- Significant knowledge gaps exist in our understanding of the benefits and risks to patients associated with different health IT functionalities.
- 設計の不十分なヘルスITはヘルスケアを提供する既に複雑なシステムの中にあって、新たなハザードを生み出す。
- 個々のヘルスITコンポーネントはそれらが表明している性能必要条件を満たすかもしれない、しかし、システム全体としては危険な結果をもたらすかもしれない。
- しばしば複合システムにかかわる問題の多い出来事はただ一つの原因のせいにすることができるというわけではない。
- 貧弱な人間とコンピュータ間のインタラクションは重大な傷害や死の原因となりうる。
- 著しい知識の差は異なるヘルスIT機能に関連した患者のリスクと効用の理解の中に存在する。
1980年代に放射線治療器 Therac-25 による死亡事故が発生し、その事故の調査を現MITのナンシー・レブソン教授らが行った。そのときのことを含めて書いた本が SAFEWARE だ。今回の翻訳でIOMが認識しているヘルスITの5つの問題は、ナンシーレブソン教授がSAFEWARE で書いた分析結果と共通点がある。例えば、複雑なシステムの中の設計の不十分なコンポーネントがシステム全体に悪い影響を及ぼす点や、ヒューマンインターフェースの問題や、知識の異なる組織が一つにシステムを構築したことによる問題が Therac-25のソフトウェア開発にもあった。
今回の翻訳の中で、大規模なシステムにおいて安全は一つの資産である(safety is a property of the larger system)という一節がある。医療機器となるようなソフトウェアはでは、安全は義務なのだが、リスクが低いヘルスITにおいて安全は資産、すなわち価値になると考えられるということだ。