
USのヘルスITの取り組み(6) ヘルスITライフサイクルと社会システム


An understanding of the health IT product lifecycle is critical to the development of a narrowly- tailored, predictable regulatory framework that fosters the development of novel technologies, permits timely deployment of iterative product improvements, and routinely identifies underperforming products in a timely fashion.


Furthermore, it is important to recognize that health IT products and technologies are not used in isolation.

Rather, they are part of a larger sociotechnical system that includes people (e.g. patients and healthcare providers), healthcare organizations, health IT developers and vendors, processes (actions and procedures performed during the delivery of health care), and the environment of use.

3.1 Health IT Product Lifecycle
3.1 ヘルスIT製品ライフサイクル

Stages of the health IT lifecycle include:

1) design and development, 2) implementation and customization, and 3) post-deployment (including upgrades, maintenance, and operations, as well as surveillance, reporting, risk mitigation and remediation) (See FIGURE 1). The safety of health IT relies not only on how it is designed and developed, but also on how it is customized, implemented, integrated and used.

1)設計と開発、2)実現、改造、および3) 配置後(アップグレード、維持、操作、監視、報告、リスク緩和、および改善を含んでいる)(図1参照)

The health IT product lifecycle is depicted. Each stage is characterized by its own distinct considerations for assuring the safe design, development, implementation, customization, integration, and post-deployment use by health care professionals and consumers.
3.2 Sociotechnical system
3.2 社会技術システム

Health IT fits within a complex sociotechnical system.

Its successful design, development, implementation, customization and post-deployment use often relies on the integration of many technologies, products, and components by numerous stakeholders.

Health IT is designed and developed with varying degrees of quality and rigor by many different developers.

It is implemented and customized by organizations with heterogeneous experience and expertise, which poses challenges to the seamless integration of health IT into clinical work flows, and for monitoring, identifying, mitigating, and resolving post-deployment issues in a timely manner.


Importantly, safety is a property of the larger system that takes into account how the product is designed, developed, implemented, maintained, and used.

In considering how a sociotechnical system affects the development of a risk-based regulatory framework for health IT, the Agencies recognize that the success and the safety of the system as a whole cannot be defined only by the “safety” of individual health IT products themselves.


The components of a health IT sociotechnical system include:

the technology (e.g. the hardware and software of health IT), the people (e.g. individuals working within the system including healthcare providers and implementers of health IT), the processes (e.g. the workflow of healthcare delivery), the organizations (e.g. how an organization installs and configures health IT) and the external environment (e.g. the environment in which the organizations operate).

The IOM found that several key observations and challenges influence the establishment of a successful health IT system, including:
  1. Poorly designed health IT can create new hazards in an already complex system of health care delivery;
  2. Individual health IT components may meet their stated performance requirements, yet the system as a whole may yield unsafe outcomes;
  3. Problematic events involving complex systems often cannot be ascribed to a single causative factor;
  4. Poor human-computer interactions can contribute to serious injury and death;
  5. Significant knowledge gaps exist in our understanding of the benefits and risks to patients associated with different health IT functionalities.
  1. 設計の不十分なヘルスITはヘルスケアを提供する既に複雑なシステムの中にあって、新たなハザードを生み出す。
  2. 個々のヘルスITコンポーネントはそれらが表明している性能必要条件を満たすかもしれない、しかし、システム全体としては危険な結果をもたらすかもしれない。
  3. しばしば複合システムにかかわる問題の多い出来事はただ一つの原因のせいにすることができるというわけではない。
  4. 貧弱な人間とコンピュータ間のインタラクションは重大な傷害や死の原因となりうる。
  5. 著しい知識の差は異なるヘルスIT機能に関連した患者のリスクと効用の理解の中に存在する。
In summary, an appropriate regulatory framework for health IT should be flexible enough to accommodate innovative, continuously-evolving products undergoing rapid product iterations, upgrades, modifications, and customization, and should account for the complex environment in which the products operate and the multiple stakeholders that play key roles in the successful development, implementation and use of health IT.



1980年代に放射線治療器 Therac-25 による死亡事故が発生し、その事故の調査を現MITのナンシー・レブソン教授らが行った。そのときのことを含めて書いた本が SAFEWARE だ。今回の翻訳でIOMが認識しているヘルスITの5つの問題は、ナンシーレブソン教授がSAFEWARE で書いた分析結果と共通点がある。例えば、複雑なシステムの中の設計の不十分なコンポーネントがシステム全体に悪い影響を及ぼす点や、ヒューマンインターフェースの問題や、知識の異なる組織が一つにシステムを構築したことによる問題が Therac-25のソフトウェア開発にもあった。


今回の翻訳の中で、大規模なシステムにおいて安全は一つの資産である(safety is a property of the larger system)という一節がある。医療機器となるようなソフトウェアはでは、安全は義務なのだが、リスクが低いヘルスITにおいて安全は資産、すなわち価値になると考えられるということだ。




USのヘルスITの取り組み(5) FDASIA に対するパブリックコメント


2.3.2. Summary of Public Comments in Response to Federal Register Notice

As part of the development of this report, the Agencies sought broad public input on issues related to FDASIA Section 618 through a notice published in the Federal Register25. The Agencies also specifically solicited input on topics identified by the FDASIA Workgroup including health IT taxonomy, risk and innovation, and regulation. Specific questions included:

2.3.2 官報通知に対応したパブリックコメントの概要


  • What types of health IT should be addressed by the report developed by FDA, ONC, and FCC?
  • What factors or approaches could be included in a risk-based regulatory approach for health IT to promote innovation and protect patient safety?
  • Are there current areas of regulatory overlap among FDA, ONC, and/or FCC and if so, what are they? If there are areas of regulatory overlap, what, if any, actions should the agencies take to minimize this overlap?
  • How can further duplication be avoided?
  • どんなタイプのヘルスITがFDA、ONC、およびFCCによって開発されたレポートに記述されるべきか?
  • ヘルスITが革新を促進して、患者の安全を保護するように、リスクベースの規制アプローチにどんな要素やアプローチを含むのか?
  • FDA、ONC、そして/または、FCCの中に規則のオーバラップの現在の部門があるとすればそれは何か? 規則のオーバラップの部門や具体的なアクションがあるのならば、関係機関はこのオーバーラップを最小にするか?
  • どのように二重規制を避けられることができるのか?
The Agencies accepted public comment from May 30, 2013 until August 31, 2013, and comments received by June 30, 2013 were also forwarded to the FDASIA Workgroup for consideration.

A total of 39 comments were received from a wide range of stakeholders including the health IT industry, standards developing organizations, insurers, healthcare providers, patient advocates, consumers, the medical device  industry,  associations  representing  hospitals, pharmaceutical research and biotechnology companies, broadband  and  telecommunications  companies,  and non-profit policy and medical research organizations. Commenters recognized both the  benefits and risks to patients of health IT. Comments received proposed the following key characteristic requirements for the framework:

関係機関は2013年5月30日から2013年8月31日までパブリックコメントを受け入れた。そして、2013年6月30日までに受け取ったコメントはFDASIA ワークグループにも送り届けられた。



Public Comments Received on Taxonomy:
  • Health IT should be assigned into one of three categories: administrative software, clinical software, and medical device software.
  • The full range of health IT products should be reviewed to carefully judge the risk to patients.
    • ヘルスITは3つのカテゴリの内の1つに割り当てられるべきである。:(健康)行政用ソフトウェア、臨床用のソフトウェア、および医療機器ソフトウェア。
    • ヘルスIT製品の範囲は、患者へのリスクを判断するために慎重に見直されるべき。
    Public Comments Received on Risk and Innovation:
    • Risk assessment for health IT should focus on functionality.
    • A health IT learning environment should be created through the aggregation and analysis of data to identify and monitor trends, mitigate future risk, and facilitate learning and improvement.
    • Health IT should use existing voluntary safety reporting systems, and patient safety adverse events should be reported in a non-punitive environment by leveraging Patient Safety Organizations.
    • Health IT should leverage recognized standards for assuring patient safety.
    • ヘルスITのためのリスクアセスメントは機能性に焦点を合わせるべきである。
    • ヘルスITの学習環境は、(ヘルスITの)傾向と、将来のリスク対策と学習及び改善環境をモニタしてそして特定するためのデータ分析と集積を通して作成されるべきである。
    • ヘルスITは既存の自発的な安全報告システムを使用するべきある。そして、患者の安全有害事象は、非懲罰的な環境で患者安全関連機関に報告されるべきである。
    • ヘルスITは、患者安全を保証することのために推奨された規格に影響を及ぼさなければならない。
    Public Comments Received on Regulation:
    • The health IT regulatory framework should be flexible, agile and evolving to encompass future technology solutions and capabilities without being narrowly prescriptive.
    • Quality Management Systems should allow manufacturers to apply a single process that satisfies the requirements of all agencies. Existing safety and quality-related processes, systems, and standards should be leveraged for patient safety in health IT.
    • Clinical software development should adopt quality management principles and processes, and apply applicable standards.
    • Agency roles should be clarified and avoid overlap. The Agencies individual focuses, such as ONC’s focus on privacy, security and health IT infrastructure, and FDA’s focus on public health and safety, should be delineated and maintained.
    • Emphasis should be placed on the importance of interoperability. The inability of systems to easily and reliably share data can pose safety risks. Due to the current lack of clear or complete oversight of health IT interoperability, a national strategy should be developed to create efficient, standardized data exchange that promotes the  safe use of the data that has been exchanged; identify funding to support development of standards; and establish interoperability standards that reflect today’s need for rapid development and adoption.
    • +Outreach activities should be conducted to provide opportunities for collaboration and public input.  Examples of outreach would include: ongoing development and dissemination of best practices in the safe design, development, deployment and use of EHRs; creation of useful guidance; and proactive education of developers, through user friendly web-based information and face-to-face educational programs.
    • ヘルスIT規制の枠組みはフレキシブルで、アジャイルで、未来の技術解決につながり、狭い規制の概念を排除した可能性に発展させるべきである
    • 品質マネジメントシステムは製造業者にすべての政府機関の要件を満たすただ一つのプロセスを適用させるべきである。既存の安全、品質関連のプロセス、システム、および規格はヘルスITにおける患者の安全のために発出されるべきである。
    • 臨床用のソフトウェア開発は品質管理の原則とプロセスを採用して、適用規格を当てはめるべきである。
    • 政府機関の役割ははっきりさせて、オーバラップを避けるべき。公衆衛生と安全の上のプライバシーとセキュリティとヘルスITインフラストラクチャ、およびFDAの注目点のONCの注目点などの政府機関の個々の焦点は、図で表わされて、メインテナンスされるべきである。
    • インターオペラビリティ(相互運用性)が強調され、重要性を置くべき。システムがデータを簡単に、そして確実に共有できないことがリスクを引き起こす。ヘルスITのインターオペラビリティ(相互運用性)の不完全性のために、交換し合われたデータの安全な使用を促進する、効率的な、標準化されたデータ交換を作成するために、国家戦略は開発されなければならない;
    • 支援活動は、機会を協同と公的な入力に提供するために実行されなければならない。支援活動の例は、以下を含む:
    • 安全な設計、開発、配備とEHR(electronic health record :電子健康記録)の使用、役立つガイダンスの作成、ガイダンスの作成;そして、開発者の率先的な教育(ユーザーフレンドリーなウェブ・ベースの情報と Face to Faceの教育プログラムを通しての)。

    ヘルスIT分類は対象とするヘルスITをどのように分類すべきかということで、規制対象にするのかしないのかその中間が必要かといったことをテーマとしている。この議論の結論は後にFDAがモバイルメディカルアプリケーションガイダンスを正式発行したときに明らかになった。USでは日本では定義することが難しい「医療機器とは認めるがFDAが裁量権を行使して規制しない」というグレーゾーンを作った。このカテゴリはパブリックコメントも考慮してFDASIA ワークグループのディスカッションした結果だと思われる。


    次回からは3章 ヘルスITライフサイクルと社会技術システムの考慮 に入る。


    USのヘルスITの取り組み(4) FDASIA Workgroup 推奨内容の概要

    2章の残りは、OCNとFCCの紹介と、FDASIA Workgroup の説明と Workgroup が提唱した推奨項目の概要や考え方、そしてパブリックコメントにどんな意見があったかだ。

    2.2.2 ONC ヘルスIT全米調整官室

    The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) was created within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) first by Executive Order 13335 on April 27, 2004,9 and then through the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act passed as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act) of 2009.10 ONC’s responsibilities include, but are not limited to, authoring regulations to adopt standards and certification criteria for health IT; administering certification programs for health IT; supporting two Federal Advisory Committees;11,12 administering programs to promote electronic health information exchange as well as practice transformation through Regional Extension Centers; promoting health IT policy that empowers patients and their caregivers; promoting standards development and innovative initiatives to advance the science behind health IT; and coordinating the health IT policy and programs of HHS with those of other relevant federal agencies (see Appendix 9.2 for additional details). ONC has a proven track record for bringing stakeholders together to solve big challenges and is committed to seeing that health IT is designed safely, used safely, and attributed oversight that is commensurate with its risks.

    ONC(The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology)はヘルスIT全米調整官室で、2004年4月27日にHHS(the Department of Health and Human Services):保険福祉省によって創設された。



    2.2.3 FCC



    FCC is committed to accelerating the adoption of health care technologies to improve health outcomes and lower health care costs.

    2.3 ヘルスITポリシー委員会・FDASIA ワークグループとパブリックコメント

    Section 618(b) of FDASIA permits the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to convene a working group of external stakeholders and experts to provide appropriate input on the strategy and recommendations that are included in this report. The Secretary decided to convene such a multi-stakeholder workgroup (the “FDASIA Workgroup” or “Workgroup”) under the ONC Health IT Policy Committee. The ONC Health IT Policy Committee is a federal advisory committee established by the HITECH Act and is subject to the Federal Advisory Committee Act. The ONC Health IT Policy Committee and the FDASIA Workgroup held open meetings, made documents and information discussed available to the public, and solicited public input during each of its meetings and through a public docket.


    長官は、ONC Health IT Policy委員会の下でそのような複数のステークホルダーワークグループ(「FDASIAワークグループ」か「ワークグループ」)を召集することを決めた。

    ONC ヘルスITポリシー委員会は、HITECH法によって設立された連邦の諮問委員会であり、連邦政府の詰問委員会法を条件としている。
    ONC ヘルスITポリシー委員会とFDASIAワークグループはオープンミーティングを開催し、パブリックコメントを募りドキュメントを作成した、

    The FDA, ONC and FCC publicly solicited applications for membership on the FDASIA Workgroup and to the extent practicable, established a Workgroup with membership that was geographically diverse and included experts representing patients, consumers, health care providers, startup companies, health plans, venture capitalists, IT and health IT vendors, small businesses, purchasers, and employers. The FDASIA Workgroup consisted of 28 public members and an ex officio representative from each of the three Agencies. The Workgroup was charged with making recommendations to inform the development of this report and a risk-based framework for health IT that promotes innovation, protects patient safety and avoids regulatory duplication. The FDASIA Workgroup was asked to build on prior work such as the Institute of Medicine (IOM) report entitled Health IT and Patient Safety: Building Safer Systems for Better Care; ONC’s Health IT Patient Safety Action and Surveillance Plan; FDA's Mobile Medical Applications Guidance and Medical Device Data Systems Rule; FCC's National Broadband Plan and other relevant work.

    FDA,ONCとFCCは、公的にFDASIA ワークグループのメンバーを募った。メンバーには様々な地域から、また、患者、消費者、健康管理プロバイダー、新興企業、健康計画、ベンチャービジネスへの投資家、ITおよびヘルスITベンダー、中小企業、購入者と患者を代表している専門家を含んでいる。



    The FDASIA Workgroup convened its first meeting on April 29, 2013. The Workgroup divided itself into the following 3 subgroups: taxonomy of health IT, health IT risk assessment and innovation, and health IT regulations. The Workgroup and its subgroups held dozens of virtual meetings and an in-person meeting on May 30-31, 2013. The FDASIA Workgroup presented draft recommendations to the ONC Health IT Policy Committee on August 7, 2013, and final recommendations on September 4, 2013. The FDASIA Workgroup recommendations were accepted and adopted as recommendations of the ONC Health IT Policy Committee at its September 4, 2013 meeting.

    FDASIA ワークグループは2013年4月29日に最初のミーティングを召集した。 ワークグループはそれ自体を以下の3つのサブグループに分割した: ヘルスITの分類、ヘルスITリスクアセスメントおよびイノベーション、ヘルスIT規則。 そして、ワークグループとそのサブグループが多くのバーチャル会議と2013年5月30日~31日には実際の会議を開催した。 FDASIAワークグループは2013年8月7日のONC ヘルスITポリシー委員会、および2013年9月4日の最終勧告にドラフトの推奨案を提示した。 FDASIA ワークグループの推薦案は、ONC ヘルスITポリシー委員会の推薦として2013年9月4日ミーティングに認められて、採用された。

    2.3.1 Summary of FDASIA Workgroup Recommendations

    2.3.1  FDASIAワークグループの推奨のサマリ

    The work product and recommendations of the FDASIA Workgroup were a direct result of its research, experience, deliberations, and consideration of public input received during its meetings and through the public docket. The Workgroup’s recommendations and supporting materials included:


    1) A taxonomy for considering the parameters of health IT and consideration of what types of health IT might be subject to a regulatory framework;
    2) Suggestions to promote innovation in both the short and long-term while maintaining patient safety;
    3) A description of current regulatory frameworks, including perceived ambiguities, deficiencies, and duplication; and
    4) Options for the development of a risk framework, including means for stratifying health IT by risk, supplemented by specific health IT use cases.

    1) ヘルスITパラメータを考慮した分類とどんなタイプのヘルスITが規制の枠組みに入るのかどうかの考慮
    2) 患者安全を保守する短期及び長期両方のイノベーションの推進に関する提案
    3) 許容された曖昧さ、不足と重複を含む現在の規制の枠組みの説明
    4) ヘルスITのユースケース特徴をにより補足されたリスクによるヘルスITの階層化の手段を含む

    The Workgroup recommendations included guiding principles for establishing a health IT taxonomy, including the principle that a risk-based approach should focus on the functionality of the health IT product and treat functionality the same across platforms (i.e., functionality should not be treated differently simply because it is on a mobile versus a non-mobile platform).


    The Workgroup developed a matrix that could be used to assess factors to consider when evaluating the potential risk of the use of health IT. It illustrated how this risk matrix and its many dimensions could apply to personal health records (PHRs), electronic health records (EHRs), clinical decision support (CDS), and various mobile applications.


    Overall, and as a result of piloting this approach, the Workgroup concluded that it was difficult to categorize complex health IT functionality because of numerous context-specific interdependencies.


    The Workgroup recommended that: 1) the Agencies could assist stakeholders by providing clearer criteria for how determinations to apply regulatory oversight to health IT functionality would be made; and 2) a surveillance mechanism is needed to track adverse events and near misses for certain health IT functionality that is not regulated.

    ワークグループは以下を推奨した。1) 政府機関はヘルスIT機能の規制監視の適用決定の明確な基準を提供することによってステークホルダーを助ける。 2) 査定メカニズムは有害事象の追跡と規制されていないヘルスIT機能性の有害事象と有害事象に至る可能性にあるニアミスの追跡が必要である。

    The Workgroup identified ways that the three Agencies could improve certain ambiguities in their guidance and regulations as well as collaborate in issuing future guidance and regulations.


    The Workgroup provided recommendations for a health IT regulatory framework that included developer and product accountability and transparency at the national level to improve the health IT safety. The workgroup also recommended “local” accountability (rather than “national regulation”) through a local control system or accreditation to address local configuration, implementation, and training of end users.



    In this report, we highlight specific FDASIA Workgroup recommendations that were adopted by the ONC Health IT Policy Committee, where relevant. In doing so, we use the recommendations as both guiding principles and as a foundation to build upon with more specific and tangible actions. The FDASIA Workgroup membership roster and a complete set of the Workgroup recommendations are available at: http://www.healthit.gov/facas/FACAS/health-it-policy-committee/health-it-policy-committee-recommendations-national-coordinator-health-it (February 20, 2014).

    このレポートでは、関連する所で、我々はONC ヘルスITポリシー委員会によって採用された特定のFDASIA ワークグループ推薦をハイライトします。

    FDASIA Workgroupメンバーシップ名簿とワークグループ推奨集はこちら。


    1. FDASIA Workgroup のメンバーが患者、消費者、健康管理プロバイダー、新興企業、健康計画、ベンチャービジネスへの投資家、ITおよびヘルスITベンダー、中小企業、購入者と患者の代表者など多岐にわたっている点
    2. ヘルスITは市販前の規制よりも市販後の有害事象の追跡の方を重要視している点
    3. ヘルスITは国家規制よりも自己説明責任を推奨している点“local” accountability (rather than “national regulation”) 
    FDAが発行したモバイルメディカルアプリケーションガイダンスは、「なかなかよく考えられている」と日本でも評価が高いが、その背景に FDASIA ワークグループの活動とそこで議論された結果が反映されていることが分かった。出来上がったものを見て「なるほど」と感心するのは簡単だが、ゼロから作り上げるのは難しい。

    FDASIA ワークグループの成果の具体的な内容については、以降の章で確認していく。