5.2 Identify, Develop and Adopt Standards and Best Practices
5.2 識別と開発、標準の採用とベストプラクティス
The identification, development, and adoption of standards and best practices are a key aspect of a health IT framework that promotes innovation and protects patient safety.
Consensus standards, developed through a collaborative, evidence-based, fair, open, and impartial process, provide requirements, specifications, guidelines or characteristics that can be used consistently to ensure that products, processes and services are fit for their purpose.
Best practices are processes or methods that have been demonstrated to deliver consistently superior results.
Like standards, best practices can be used to promote and maintain consistency and quality.
Importantly, both standards and best practices allow health IT developers to vary their product design, function, features and development approach, and organizations to tailor their methods and processes to their needs.
Standards and best practices can set the minimum expectations necessary to achieve an acceptable level of performance and can serve as a guide for achieving performance excellence.
Many existing domestic and international consensus standards address key aspects of product quality, performance and safety, are relevant to health IT, and have been developed with the participation of FDA, ONC, FCC, AHRQ, other government agencies, and key health IT stakeholders.
A number of additional existing standards may be applicable to health IT including but not limited to those pertaining to quality management systems, risk management, interoperability, and software development, validation and lifecycle management.
ONC has responsibility for advancing the development, adoption, and implementation of health IT standards nationally through public and private collaboration.
The HITECH Act established the Health IT Standards Committee, which serves as a forum for the participation of a broad range of stakeholders to provide input on the development, harmonization, and recognition of standards, implementation specifications, and certification criteria necessary for the development and adoption of a nationwide health IT infrastructure that allows for the electronic use and exchange of health information.
5.2.1 Interoperability
5.2.1 相互運用性(インターオペラビリティ)
Interoperability supports improvements in safety, encourages innovation and facilitates new models of health care delivery by making the right data available to the right people at the right time across products and organizations in a way that can be relied upon and used by recipients.
Interoperability permits electronic communication between software applications and across medical devices and electronic health records thereby supporting innovation that can only occur when the data is not “siloed” in one product, technology or system.
In addition, it promotes system integration even when products from different vendors are used, and can improve data portability and patient safety.
Errors in communication due to inadequate interoperability, such as the transmission of test results inaccurately or for the wrong patient, do occur and can lead to patient harm.
Improved interoperability among health management health IT systems, medical devices and administrative systems could catalyze innovation in the health IT marketplace, better support emerging care models, and create greater marketplace competition and responsiveness to end-user needs.
The Agencies have actively fostered the secure and seamless exchange of health information, but challenges remain.
This risk-based health IT framework should promote interoperability and electronic information sharing between health IT products and across organizational boundaries.
The FDASIA Workgroup recommended that interoperability of health IT could be addressed, in part, through adoption of standards.
FDASIAワーキンググループは 標準の採用を通して、部分的に、ヘルスITのインターオペラビリティを推奨しました。
Standards-based interoperability could facilitate new and innovative health IT products and solutions tailored to address users’needs.
Fostering the development of interoperable products and systems, in part, requires the creation, validation, and recognition of common standards across product categories.
ONC has broad responsibility for adopting standards, implementation specifications, and certification criteria for health IT in conjunction with its voluntary certification program, as well as leading policy efforts to effectively encourage and coordinate nationwide health information exchange activities.
ONC adopts standards for health IT through regulations and leverages public-private collaboration to identify and specify standards and implementation specifications that could be used through the Standards & Interoperability Framework activity.
In 2012, FDA and the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) organized a summit that brought together hundreds of experts from many disciplines to further the goal of improving patient care and fostering innovation through interoperability.
FDA has since recognized a set of voluntary standards pertaining to interoperability and cybersecurity that will help medical device manufacturers create secure devices that work well together and with other health IT products and systems.
In February 2014, ONC co-hosted Health Care Innovation DC:
2014年2月に、ONCはHealth Care Innovation DCを共同開催しました:
Igniting an Interoperable Healthcare System, a conference to provide a venue for stakeholders to collaborate and partner on solutions to achieve interoperability in ways that improve patient care.
The Agencies recommend that entities be identified to develop tests to validate interoperability, test product conformance with standards, and transparently share results of product performance to promote broader adoption of interoperable solutions.
Conformance with recognized consensus standards can be used to meet certain regulatory requirements.
The concept of conformity assessments is discussed in more detail in Section 5.3.