
USのヘルスITの取り組み(4) FDASIA Workgroup 推奨内容の概要

2章の残りは、OCNとFCCの紹介と、FDASIA Workgroup の説明と Workgroup が提唱した推奨項目の概要や考え方、そしてパブリックコメントにどんな意見があったかだ。

2.2.2 ONC ヘルスIT全米調整官室

The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) was created within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) first by Executive Order 13335 on April 27, 2004,9 and then through the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act passed as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act) of 2009.10 ONC’s responsibilities include, but are not limited to, authoring regulations to adopt standards and certification criteria for health IT; administering certification programs for health IT; supporting two Federal Advisory Committees;11,12 administering programs to promote electronic health information exchange as well as practice transformation through Regional Extension Centers; promoting health IT policy that empowers patients and their caregivers; promoting standards development and innovative initiatives to advance the science behind health IT; and coordinating the health IT policy and programs of HHS with those of other relevant federal agencies (see Appendix 9.2 for additional details). ONC has a proven track record for bringing stakeholders together to solve big challenges and is committed to seeing that health IT is designed safely, used safely, and attributed oversight that is commensurate with its risks.

ONC(The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology)はヘルスIT全米調整官室で、2004年4月27日にHHS(the Department of Health and Human Services):保険福祉省によって創設された。



2.2.3 FCC



FCC is committed to accelerating the adoption of health care technologies to improve health outcomes and lower health care costs.

2.3 ヘルスITポリシー委員会・FDASIA ワークグループとパブリックコメント

Section 618(b) of FDASIA permits the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to convene a working group of external stakeholders and experts to provide appropriate input on the strategy and recommendations that are included in this report. The Secretary decided to convene such a multi-stakeholder workgroup (the “FDASIA Workgroup” or “Workgroup”) under the ONC Health IT Policy Committee. The ONC Health IT Policy Committee is a federal advisory committee established by the HITECH Act and is subject to the Federal Advisory Committee Act. The ONC Health IT Policy Committee and the FDASIA Workgroup held open meetings, made documents and information discussed available to the public, and solicited public input during each of its meetings and through a public docket.


長官は、ONC Health IT Policy委員会の下でそのような複数のステークホルダーワークグループ(「FDASIAワークグループ」か「ワークグループ」)を召集することを決めた。

ONC ヘルスITポリシー委員会は、HITECH法によって設立された連邦の諮問委員会であり、連邦政府の詰問委員会法を条件としている。
ONC ヘルスITポリシー委員会とFDASIAワークグループはオープンミーティングを開催し、パブリックコメントを募りドキュメントを作成した、

The FDA, ONC and FCC publicly solicited applications for membership on the FDASIA Workgroup and to the extent practicable, established a Workgroup with membership that was geographically diverse and included experts representing patients, consumers, health care providers, startup companies, health plans, venture capitalists, IT and health IT vendors, small businesses, purchasers, and employers. The FDASIA Workgroup consisted of 28 public members and an ex officio representative from each of the three Agencies. The Workgroup was charged with making recommendations to inform the development of this report and a risk-based framework for health IT that promotes innovation, protects patient safety and avoids regulatory duplication. The FDASIA Workgroup was asked to build on prior work such as the Institute of Medicine (IOM) report entitled Health IT and Patient Safety: Building Safer Systems for Better Care; ONC’s Health IT Patient Safety Action and Surveillance Plan; FDA's Mobile Medical Applications Guidance and Medical Device Data Systems Rule; FCC's National Broadband Plan and other relevant work.

FDA,ONCとFCCは、公的にFDASIA ワークグループのメンバーを募った。メンバーには様々な地域から、また、患者、消費者、健康管理プロバイダー、新興企業、健康計画、ベンチャービジネスへの投資家、ITおよびヘルスITベンダー、中小企業、購入者と患者を代表している専門家を含んでいる。



The FDASIA Workgroup convened its first meeting on April 29, 2013. The Workgroup divided itself into the following 3 subgroups: taxonomy of health IT, health IT risk assessment and innovation, and health IT regulations. The Workgroup and its subgroups held dozens of virtual meetings and an in-person meeting on May 30-31, 2013. The FDASIA Workgroup presented draft recommendations to the ONC Health IT Policy Committee on August 7, 2013, and final recommendations on September 4, 2013. The FDASIA Workgroup recommendations were accepted and adopted as recommendations of the ONC Health IT Policy Committee at its September 4, 2013 meeting.

FDASIA ワークグループは2013年4月29日に最初のミーティングを召集した。 ワークグループはそれ自体を以下の3つのサブグループに分割した: ヘルスITの分類、ヘルスITリスクアセスメントおよびイノベーション、ヘルスIT規則。 そして、ワークグループとそのサブグループが多くのバーチャル会議と2013年5月30日~31日には実際の会議を開催した。 FDASIAワークグループは2013年8月7日のONC ヘルスITポリシー委員会、および2013年9月4日の最終勧告にドラフトの推奨案を提示した。 FDASIA ワークグループの推薦案は、ONC ヘルスITポリシー委員会の推薦として2013年9月4日ミーティングに認められて、採用された。

2.3.1 Summary of FDASIA Workgroup Recommendations

2.3.1  FDASIAワークグループの推奨のサマリ

The work product and recommendations of the FDASIA Workgroup were a direct result of its research, experience, deliberations, and consideration of public input received during its meetings and through the public docket. The Workgroup’s recommendations and supporting materials included:


1) A taxonomy for considering the parameters of health IT and consideration of what types of health IT might be subject to a regulatory framework;
2) Suggestions to promote innovation in both the short and long-term while maintaining patient safety;
3) A description of current regulatory frameworks, including perceived ambiguities, deficiencies, and duplication; and
4) Options for the development of a risk framework, including means for stratifying health IT by risk, supplemented by specific health IT use cases.

1) ヘルスITパラメータを考慮した分類とどんなタイプのヘルスITが規制の枠組みに入るのかどうかの考慮
2) 患者安全を保守する短期及び長期両方のイノベーションの推進に関する提案
3) 許容された曖昧さ、不足と重複を含む現在の規制の枠組みの説明
4) ヘルスITのユースケース特徴をにより補足されたリスクによるヘルスITの階層化の手段を含む

The Workgroup recommendations included guiding principles for establishing a health IT taxonomy, including the principle that a risk-based approach should focus on the functionality of the health IT product and treat functionality the same across platforms (i.e., functionality should not be treated differently simply because it is on a mobile versus a non-mobile platform).


The Workgroup developed a matrix that could be used to assess factors to consider when evaluating the potential risk of the use of health IT. It illustrated how this risk matrix and its many dimensions could apply to personal health records (PHRs), electronic health records (EHRs), clinical decision support (CDS), and various mobile applications.


Overall, and as a result of piloting this approach, the Workgroup concluded that it was difficult to categorize complex health IT functionality because of numerous context-specific interdependencies.


The Workgroup recommended that: 1) the Agencies could assist stakeholders by providing clearer criteria for how determinations to apply regulatory oversight to health IT functionality would be made; and 2) a surveillance mechanism is needed to track adverse events and near misses for certain health IT functionality that is not regulated.

ワークグループは以下を推奨した。1) 政府機関はヘルスIT機能の規制監視の適用決定の明確な基準を提供することによってステークホルダーを助ける。 2) 査定メカニズムは有害事象の追跡と規制されていないヘルスIT機能性の有害事象と有害事象に至る可能性にあるニアミスの追跡が必要である。

The Workgroup identified ways that the three Agencies could improve certain ambiguities in their guidance and regulations as well as collaborate in issuing future guidance and regulations.


The Workgroup provided recommendations for a health IT regulatory framework that included developer and product accountability and transparency at the national level to improve the health IT safety. The workgroup also recommended “local” accountability (rather than “national regulation”) through a local control system or accreditation to address local configuration, implementation, and training of end users.



In this report, we highlight specific FDASIA Workgroup recommendations that were adopted by the ONC Health IT Policy Committee, where relevant. In doing so, we use the recommendations as both guiding principles and as a foundation to build upon with more specific and tangible actions. The FDASIA Workgroup membership roster and a complete set of the Workgroup recommendations are available at: http://www.healthit.gov/facas/FACAS/health-it-policy-committee/health-it-policy-committee-recommendations-national-coordinator-health-it (February 20, 2014).

このレポートでは、関連する所で、我々はONC ヘルスITポリシー委員会によって採用された特定のFDASIA ワークグループ推薦をハイライトします。

FDASIA Workgroupメンバーシップ名簿とワークグループ推奨集はこちら。


  1. FDASIA Workgroup のメンバーが患者、消費者、健康管理プロバイダー、新興企業、健康計画、ベンチャービジネスへの投資家、ITおよびヘルスITベンダー、中小企業、購入者と患者の代表者など多岐にわたっている点
  2. ヘルスITは市販前の規制よりも市販後の有害事象の追跡の方を重要視している点
  3. ヘルスITは国家規制よりも自己説明責任を推奨している点“local” accountability (rather than “national regulation”) 
FDAが発行したモバイルメディカルアプリケーションガイダンスは、「なかなかよく考えられている」と日本でも評価が高いが、その背景に FDASIA ワークグループの活動とそこで議論された結果が反映されていることが分かった。出来上がったものを見て「なるほど」と感心するのは簡単だが、ゼロから作り上げるのは難しい。

FDASIA ワークグループの成果の具体的な内容については、以降の章で確認していく。

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