
USのヘルスITの取り組み(2) FDASIA 報告の概要

FDASIA Health IT Report (Proposed Strategy and Recommendations for a Risk-Based Framework) を読み進んで行こう。

冒頭の2ページが EXECTIVE SUMMARY (報告の概要)となっている。
A nationwide health information technology (health IT) infrastructure can offer tremendous benefits to the American public, including the prevention of medical errors, improved efficiency and health care quality, reduced costs, and increased consumer  engagement. However, if health IT is not designed, developed, implemented, maintained, or used properly, it can pose risks to patients.



  1. ONC (The National Coordinator for Health Information Technology)
  2. FCC (the Federal Communications Commission )
  3. FDA (Food and Drug Administration )
1のONCは「米国における医療分野の IT 導入に係る動向」によると医療IT 全米調整官室の略で2004年、HHS(U.S. Department of Health & Human Services)内に、同イニシアティブを主導する機関として設置された。その名の示すとおりUSにおけるヘルスITのコーディネーターの役割を担っていると思われる。

The proposed strategy and recommendations  reflect the Agencies’ understanding  that  risks  to  patient safety and steps to promote innovation: 1) can occur at all stages of the health IT product lifecycle; and 2) must consider the complex sociotechnical ecosystem in which these products are developed, implemented, and used.  
1. ヘルスITの製造ライフサイクルのすべてのステージに関わる
2. これらの製造物が開発され、実装され、使用される複雑な社会環境を考慮している


このブログで繰り返し言っているように、ネットワーク接続で問題を解決していくような大規模で複雑なシステムにおいては、個々の部品の完成度を高める=不具合を許さない Fault Avoidance のアプローチではなく、不具合が起こっても安全装置や冗長性でリスクを回避する Fail Safety や Fault Tolerance のアプローチが有効なのだ。

The Agencies’ proposed strategy identifies three categories of health IT: 
1) administrative health IT functions,
2) health management health IT functions, and
3) medical device health IT functions.
1) 行政管理上のヘルスIT機能
2) 健康管理のヘルスIT機能
3) 医療機器のヘルスIT機能
We believe that administrative health IT functionalities, such as billing and claims processing, practice and inventory management, and scheduling pose limited or no risk to patient safety and, thus, do not require additional oversight.
Health management functionalities include, but are not limited to, health information and data exchange, data capture and encounter documentation, electronic access to clinical results, most clinical decision support, medication management, electronic communication and coordination, provider order entry, knowledge management, and patient identification and matching.
We believe the potential safety risks posed by health management health IT functionality are generally low compared to the potential benefits and that strategies to assure a favorable benefit-risk profile of these functionalities should adopt a holistic view of the health IT sociotechnical system.  
As such, if a product with health management health IT functionality meets the statutory definition of a medical device, FDA does not intend to focus its oversight on it. 
Rather, FDA would focus its attention and oversight on medical device health IT functionality, such as computer aided detection software, remote display or  notification of real-time alarms from bedside monitors, and robotic surgical planning and control. 
Such products are already the focus of FDA’s oversight because they generally pose greater risks to patient safety than administrative or health management health IT functionality and FDA oversight is better suited to provide assurance of safety and effectiveness for these functionalities.
The Agencies’ proposed strategy and recommendations focus primarily on a risk-based framework for health management health IT functionalities. We identify the following four key priority areas and outline potential next steps that could be taken to help more fully realize the benefits of health IT:
I. Promote the Use of Quality Management Principles;
II. Identify, Develop, and Adopt Standards and Best Practices;
III. Leverage Conformity Assessment Tools; and
IV. Create an Environment of Learning and Continual Improvement.
I. 品質管理の原理の利用推進
II. 定義と開発と標準の導入及びベストプラクティス(成功事例)の積み上げ
III. 適合性評価ツールの活用
IV. 学習環境と継続的改善の創設

These priority areas share three critical characteristics
1) their application can be tailored using a risk-based approach;
2) they have relevance at all stages of the health IT product lifecycle and to all health IT stakeholders; and
3) they support both innovation and patient safety. 
1) これらはリスクベースドアプローチを応用することができる。
2) すべてのヘルスITの関係者(製造業者)とヘルスITの製造ライフサイクルのすべてのステージに関連を持つ。
3) これらは患者安全とITイノベーションの両方を支援できる。
In each of these priority areas, we believe the private sector can play a strong role.
The Agencies have also identified an additional key component of the health management health IT framework: the creation of a Health IT Safety Center.
This public-private entity would be created by ONC, in collaboration with FDA, FCC, and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), with involvement of other Federal agencies, and other health IT stakeholders.
Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)や関係する政府機関、他のヘルスIT関連機関FDA及びFCCとの協調のもと、ONCによって公的・私的な構成要素が作成されるだろう。
The Health IT Safety Center would convene stakeholders in order to focus on activities that promote health IT as an integral part of patient safety with the ultimate goal of assisting in the creation of a sustainable, integrated health IT learning system that avoids regulatory duplication and leverages and complements existing and ongoing efforts.
The Agencies recognize the importance of health IT to our Nation’s health as well as the significance stakeholder input will play in the development of a risk-based framework for health IT that promotes innovation, protects patient safety and avoids regulatory duplication. 
The proposed framework and priority areas contained in this report are not binding, do not create new requirements or expectations for affected parties, and do not create or confer any rights for or on any person. 
The Agencies seek public comment on whether the focus areas identified in this report are the appropriate ones – and whether the proposed next steps, described below, will lead to an environment where patient safety is protected, innovation is promoted, and regulatory duplication is avoided. We also plan to convene a public meeting on the proposed strategy and recommendations included in this report within 90 days of the report’s release.
このレポートで確認される焦点域が適切なものであるかどうかについての一般のコメントを我々は求める。– そして、提案された次のステップ(以下に記す)が患者安全が保護されている環境につながるかどうかにかかわらず、イノベーションは推進され、規制の重複は避けられます。レポートリリース90日間以内にこのレポートに含まれる提案された戦略と推薦に関して公的な集会を招集する予定である。
After receiving public input and finalizing our proposed strategy and recommendations, the Agencies intend to actively engage stakeholders in an ongoing collaborative effort to implement the framework.
ここまで、EXECUTIVE SUMMARY を意訳してきて分かるのは、繰り返しになるが、ヘルスITが環境や時代に合わせて自在に変化しながら、医療過誤の防止、医療の質の向上、コスト削減、消費拡大に貢献できることを十分に理解しつつ、患者安全を実現するための方針を示しているということである。


1) 行政管理上のヘルスIT機能
2) 健康管理のヘルスIT機能
3) 医療機器のヘルスIT機能

さらに、ヘルスITにおいて患者安全を確保するためのフレームワークとして次の4つのステップを定義している。EXECUTIVE SUMMARY の後で詳しく説明される。

I. 品質管理の原理の利用推進
II. 定義と開発と標準の導入及びベストプラクティス(成功事例)の積み上げ
III. 適合性評価ツールの活用
IV. 学習環境と継続的改善の創設


かなり難しいアプローチだと思うが、現実に即した考え方だと思う。そして、特筆すべきは、この考え方を示したのはアメリカの規制する側の立場のAgent だということだ。



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